Saturday, 3 March 2012

Your Hair

I once read on the amazing fashion blog, The Sartorialist, that hair is the one accessory that we wear everyday.  It naturally follows that we should play up this asset, giving it the attention it deserves.  The article went on to say that most women of this generation don't take care of their hair, even though doing so could be the best fashion decision they could make.  I've been mulling that statement over in my head since I read it...for far too long, actually, without doing anything about it.

My hair has been awkward for awhile now.  Naturally, it's an ashy light brown color ("dirty blonde" or "mousy brown" is what people always call it).  Part of me likes my natural color.  I'm used to seeing it, and there is something to be said for the way your natural color fits your face.  Perhaps, too, I was holding onto the way the color used to appear when it was long.  Marbled light brown and sun-kissed blonde streaks.  But after cutting, dying, and growing it out again and again, that color just wasn't happening for me anymore.  It had become flat, boring, and ugly.  Since I didn't want to bleach highlights into it, I had to change the color altogether.

Three months ago, I went into a hair salon and got a long bob, inspired by Amanda Seyfried's style in the movie In Time.  I didn't go for the bangs, however, and I left my color the same.  I loved the cut but was always tucking the front pieces behind my ears, which sort of ruined it.  Still, I received compliments by the bucket loads, and thought I had found the most flattering hair style for myself.  As such, I was pretty nervous to make a big-commitment change, like going for bangs, but I thought it would suit me better, and in the end, I had to go for it.

I went to a good salon, brought in pictures, consulted with them, and then went for a big change.   Channeling my style icon, Zooey Deschanel, I went for a thick fringe with face-framing pieces, and a dark color.  I also got my edges trimmed and some thinning done (since I'm trying to grow it out).  Just the tiny trim and thinning made such a huge difference!  I could easily put my hair up, or even straighten it.  Hair professionals know what they are doing with a pair of scissors, let me tell you.  And it makes life easier.  For color, we did a dark chocolate brown with a golden brown sheen to it.  My hair is so shiny, and my blue eyes pop!  I couldn't be happier with it, and now I realize just how true the statement in the first sentence of this post is.  The smartest thing to do is to invest in a great hair cut (and possibly color).  When your hair is fabulous, you look and feel invincible.  You can wear something great, but if your hair is blah, you will look at least somewhat blah.  I feel now as if I can wear almost anything in my wardrobe with more panache.  I'm more confident, creative, and happy. 

People will notice if you have terrific hair.  They won't notice that you have one less pair of shoes, or aren't wearing a necklace.  So re-wear that cardigan, add some DIY flower clips to your old heels, and splurge on your hair! 

P.S.  If you're looking for an amazing salon, I highly recommend Aveda or Aveda-affiliated salons.  That's where I always go, and I've never had a bad experience.  Their stylists are skilled, friendly, and helpful.  Their products are wonderful and smell divine.  To top it all off, the experience is spa-like and their prices are pretty competitive for a good salon!

1 comment:

Krystal Jones said...

I love it Elizabeth!! I completely agree with everything you said! I went to an Aveda salon to a master stylist when my hair was really long and I chopped it off. Hands down it was my favorite hair experience! I loved it!! You have encouraged me. I am definetly going to save up for an Aveda salon before doing anything dramatic to my hair. :o)