Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Would you let the husband of this woman into your country?

Shirt:  Dress worn as top from Charlotte Russe Skirt and Belt: I think from JC Penny Heels: Payless Bracelet: Necklace worn as wrap bracelet from Ben Moss Jewelers

Tomorrow, Derek and I leave to head to Montreal, Quebec, to attend a visa interview.  My husband is trying to become a permanent resident of the states so that we can live in California!  This should hopefully be the first and only interview, and we don't really know what to expect.  They should give hubby the green light for moving right away, but the process could (fingers crossed, let's hope not) take longer still.  Anyway, I don't even know if I'm being interviewed, but I'm sort-of sick with dread.  My horror of any sort of test and my penchant for forgetting normal things that everybody knows like their own address make this not the sort of situation I would succeed in.  Furthermore, the determining of where I am going to live is a lot to rest on how an interview goes.  Of course, we will eventually live in the states, but California has been calling me home for too long now as it is.  To compensate for my utter lack of prowess in interview situations, I have put together the perfect outfit.  I wanted to look like a contributing member of society, wealthy, and respectable.  I may have overdone it, but it's basically either jeans or this.  Haha.
After that, we're driving down to Michigan to attend the wedding of my dear friend, Sharayah.  I am VERY excited for that, but I can't even really focus on that until after the interview.  I would show you my outfit for the wedding, but I don't want to spoil the surprise.  ;)  Meanwhile, Linus will be staying with the in-laws (he loves his "grandparents," and they are total champs about it) so he received a bath and trim two days ago.  We used watered-down baking soda and lemon juice to wash his fur, since that's what we've been using on our own hair for the last two weeks, with great results.  It got Linus really clean, and as with my hair, it made his fur REALLY FLUFFY.  Linus is not usually very fluffy for a male rough Collie, but not using a heavy pet shampoo on him really gave his coat a lot of body.  He looks great, and I'm really excited, because I always wished he was a bit more fluffy.  In this picture, he isn't as fluffy as he was after drying off from his bath two days ago, but he's still more voluminous than usual.

I won't be doing any posts for a few days since I'll be out of town, so while I'm gone, be sure to read the awesome guest post that my friend Abby did yesterday.

Anyway, wish us luck!


AnnikaRinear said...

ooo You look wonderful! Praying that the interviewing goes smoothly and that you can soon get your buns to cali :D nathan and I are actually moving there in a few weeks...God did crazy and we're jumping! anyways, hope everything works well!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Love! And oh my gosh, you are!?!?!? WELL THEN I WILL SEE YOU THERE. <3 I am so excited that you are going to be there, too!

AnnikaRinear said...

yes! definitely praying for favor and it would be GLORIOUS to be around you again :D