Monday, 11 July 2011

About Me

As unlikely as it is that anybody that I don't know well is going to be reading this yet, I am going to do an about me post anyway.  My first name is Elizabeth and I hate all nicknames for it besides Eliza.  I am rather hypocritical with this because I love nicknaming other people.  (My good friends can attest to this. Please-do-not-leave-comments-telling-the-embarrassing-and-stupid-nickname-I-gave-you.  And above all  do not tell what my nickname for myself was.  Do not.  There will be retribution.)  My middle name is Rose, which I rather like.  I'm not telling you my last name if you don't already know it, so enjoy that mystery.  So:  the story.
I was born.  
And then I started to grow up.
And then I grew up all the way.
Then I cut my hair off.  (Yes, I did wait that long.)  
And then, after growing up some more, I lucked out and married the man of my dreams.
Then, we prepared to have a fur-child.
When our fur child arrived, it started an epidemic of happiness, even though we were already very happy.  Here is a picture of me looking mentally challenged, I was so happy.

That's my life story, in a nutshell.

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