Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Sewing Projects: Stuff I've Made

Mostly bags, since they are so easy-peasey, but also a dress.  I also made the skirt shown in my OOTD: Nautical post.

Here is the dress I made, from a sheer polka-dot fabric I had lying around forever.  I think I splurge-bought it at a fabric store many, many years ago.  I had to buy lining and a pattern, and although both were on sale, it came to over $20 with zipper, thread, and elastic.  And I already had the overlay fabric!  Craziness.
I accessorized it with a wide belt (Guess) to provide more shape and mature-funkiness, and a flower headband (homemade) to obliterate all maturity and play up the color in the fabric.

The following is a purse I custom made for someone on Etsy who was looking for an orange cross-body bag.  I hunted down the fabric for her and made this little beauty, complete with lining and hidden seams!
I have to give a shout-out of thanks to my sweet friend Hannah R. for helping me figure out how to make it.  She basically held my hand through the entire process.  Thank you, Lovely!  You've created a purse-making junkie.  ;D
 Umbrella: some store in Old Quebec City Zip-Up: Old Navy Skirt and Top: Banana Republic Flats: Aldo

Then I made a purse for my sister-in-law, Sabrina.  I LOVE the fabrics she picked out.  Deep royal purple with a soft grey lining.  Gorgeous.  
 Sweater: Dynamite Top: American Eagle Coin Pearls: Ben Moss Jewellers Jeans: Fidelity Denim

I also made this purse, more about it and what I am wearing in my OOTD: Nautical post.
 I even added a pocket for the first time ever!  It was super easy.  I really enjoyed making shorter straps, too, as opposed to the uber long ones I had made before.

The following is a drawstring backpack I made using this tutorial.  It was really easy and the results are great!  
I really needed a bag for toting things when biking, and this one is perfect!  I barely feel it, the straps don't slip off, and it can carry a lot of stuff.  I made the straps myself by cording the fabric, but I wouldn't recommend it.  While the finished product looks cool, it was really difficult and time-consuming, and used a ton of fabric.  Finally, the handmade cording doesn't slide very well.  I definitely recommend purchasing your own cord.  Also, if you follow that tutorial, I would add one thing to the directions: when trimming the sides, leave the top untrimmed and then fold in the extra and hem it to make neat edges where the cords enter and exit.  Happy trails!

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